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Salsa Dance
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Classic Meets Cuba Symphonic Salsa (Salsa /mp3 / 320kbps)

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Classic Meets Cuba Symphonic Salsa (Salsa /mp3 / 320kbps) Empty Classic Meets Cuba Symphonic Salsa (Salsa /mp3 / 320kbps)

Post  Admin Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:36 pm

Classic Meets Cuba Symphonic Salsa
(Salsa /mp3 / 320kbps)

Track Listings
1. Cuban Sugar
2. Mambozart
3. El Cisne Triste
4. Hochzeitsmarsch
5. Cinco Salsa
6. Cuban Danube
7. Sueno D'amor
8. Habanera En Habana
9. Kubanischer Tanz
10. Der Mond Ist Aufgegangen
11. Kubanischer Marsch
12. Salsaria

RapidShare Links:

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(Download all the parts and unzip using Winrar which will automatically combine all the parts to produce a single file.)


The media links given in this post have not been uploaded by me but have been found randomly on the internet. The media may have a copyright policy ,hence, the members are requested to use their own discretion while downloading the above media. We does not promote the above media in any manner directly or indirectly.



Posts : 39
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Join date : 2009-11-09

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Classic Meets Cuba Symphonic Salsa (Salsa /mp3 / 320kbps) Empty Dead Link

Post  fleischwolf Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:24 pm

Sorry, these are dead links! Crying or Very sad


Posts : 1
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Join date : 2011-04-30

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